Delivering Exceptional Services with Advanced Solutions.

Professional Translation and Localization Services
at the Speed of Your Business

T9n <> L10n <> i18n <> G11n <> DTP <> Subtitling

Our Services

At LOC9, we offer a diverse array of tailored and budget-friendly translation and localization services designed to meet your multilingual requirements. Catering to a variety of industries, content genres, and platforms, our mission is centered around delivering your narratives to a global audience promptly and in any language. We are committed to ensuring that your stories transcend linguistic boundaries and resonate effectively across the cultural spectrum.


Language carries substantial significance, wielding immense influence. Our purpose is to guide and support you in skillfully harnessing this influence on a global stage. Every word matters; each word holds tremendous power. We exist to empower you in effectively channeling that power across the diverse landscapes of the world, ensuring your message resonates with clarity and impact. Words, when chosen wisely, transcend barriers, and we are here to be your partners in navigating the nuanced and powerful realm of language on a global scale.


In the Localization industry, we excel in offering a comprehensive suite of services to help businesses expand globally.
Our specialization includes language translation, cultural adaptation, and regional customization, ensuring a resonant presence in international markets.
With strategic localization, we empower clients to overcome language barriers, enhance user experiences, and optimize global market penetration.

Desktop Publishing

Desktop Publishing (DTP) plays a crucial role in the Localization industry by ensuring that translated content is seamlessly integrated into graphics, diagrams, and tables. The accurate placement of words is essential, as even a minor misalignment can significantly impact the intended meaning of the content. Our DTP professionals not only focus on the linguistic accuracy of the translated text but also on its visual presentation. They meticulously handle the layout, formatting, and overall design to guarantee that the localized material retains its intended message, maintaining consistency across different languages.

Let's Discuss your Projects

Contact Us

Interested in hiring our LOC9 division? Please fill out the following form to get started.


7345 W Sand Lake Road - Suite 210, Office 9288

Orlando, FL 32819, United States


+1 1234 56 789
